Issue #8

Subscribe Issue #8 — January 2022 He who knows what his moon is and does can understand the cosmos.~ Gurdjieff Every Memory is a Lantern Every memory is a lantern, a light, which if remembered and strung together in awareness with all the others connected by...

Lost Herald Issues

Issue #18 by Robin Bloor | December 27, 2022 | Issue, The Lost Herald | 0 CommentsIssue #18 December 2022 “People's whole lives often consist in paying off the promissory notes of small accidental I's.” ~Gurdjieff Gurdjieff's Birthday? False personality, the false...

The Tales Study Resource

In recent months, we have found ourselves running multiple reading groups for The Tales. Naturally, in every meeting one of our number took notes of the discussions that followed the reading. We also posted the video record of the meeting to this website. Several...

A Non-Atheistic Cosmology

ALL Cosmology, since the advent of the so called “Age of Enlightenment,” has been an attempt to determine the mechanics of the dead body of the Universe. There has been no effort to conceive of, never mind discuss, the possibility of an absolute...

Every Memory is a Lantern

Every memory is a lantern, a light, which if remembered and strung together in awareness with all the others connected by association, will reveal the outline of my life at a higher level. They are remembered because I was present in the moment of imprinting. What did...

The Rebirth of The Grand Lama

A Grand Lama had passed his whole life in idleness. Although he was surrounded by men of learning, had had excellent tutors in his youth, and had inherited an excellent library from his predecessors, he scarcely knew how to read. One day, this lama died. Now, in those...

What is Knowledge?

In 1880, undergraduates of Balliol College, Oxford wrote a number of quatrains lampooning various members of the college. About Benjamin Jowett, Master of Balliol, they wrote as follows: First come I. My name is Jowett.There’s no knowledge but I know it.I am...

The Tales and Background Research

Where our knowledge is lacking, in respect of the real world activity Beelzebub mentions, we need to educate ourselves. Beelzebub speaks of ancient civilizations, including Babylon and Egypt, where there is a partial historical record. He covers Greece and Rome, where...

Buddha’s 4 Noble Truths

Lee Lozowick, a teacher of Red Hawk’s said the following about Work on oneself. “Transformation is not a masculine process. The ‘Work’ is not a masculine process. Practice, Sadhana, Surrender to the Will of God are not masculine processes.” In his...

Issue #6

Subscribe Issue #6 — July 2021 “ Sincerity is the key which will open the door through which you will see your separate parts, and you will see something quite new. You must go on trying to be sincere. Each day you put on a mask, and you must take it off little by...