The Objective Science Study Resource

The Objective Science Study Resource is a dynamic set of information devoted to the articulation and elaboration of Objective Science as described by Gurdjieff in both In Search of the Miraculous and The Tales. The resource is based on two specific pieces of work.

  1. The book, Gurdjieff”s Hydrogens 
  2. The Gurdjieff’s Hydrogens Seminar Series that ran in 2021.

Work is continuing in this area and will be added dynamically to this resource. It has or will have the following components:

Public Resources

  • A few of Gurdjieff Hydrogens seminar videos will be available to view, along with the slides.
  • Some extracts from the book will be posted publicly
  • An index to the information resource will be provided.
  • Some of the search links will be available publicly.

Private Resources

(Available only to subscribers)

  • All the Gurdjieff Hydrogens seminar videos will be available to view.
  • The whole text of the book and some added text will be posted and used as a reference focus.
  • An index to the full resource will be provided.
  • Reference links that support assertions will be provided.
  • The ability to contribute to the information resource.
  • Discounts on the purchase of relevant books and posters.
  • Shared notes on Objective Science with the Tales Study Resource.
  • A presentation on how to approach objective science.
