Issue #38 Jan 2025
“It is necessary to have had all illusions and all disillusions.”
~ Gurdjieff
A long time ago, the year began in March. That was until Roman King Numa Pompilius (713–673 BCE), added January and February to a previously 10-month cycle that began in March. January is, of course named for Janus, the deity of thresholds. Janus was one of the few genuinely Roman Gods in the Roman Pantheon – they borrowed most of their Gods from the Greeks
It is said that during the conflict between Romulus’s Romans and the Sabines, Janus unleashed a boiling hot spring to repel the Sabine forces attacking the Capitoline Hill. This act solidified his role as a protector of Rome, commemorated by the ritual opening of the Gates of Janus (in the Janus Geminus temple) in times of war, symbolizing the city’s readiness for battle.
Depicted with two faces gazing in opposite directions, Janus embodies the duality of reflection on the past and anticipation of the future. As the god of thresholds, he was invoked at the start of rituals, marriages, and harvests, guarding both literal and metaphorical passages. Oddly his name gave rise to the word “janitor,” which originally had the meaning of “doorman.”
Incidentally, I recently read that 2025 is the final year of the Kali Yuga – an ending rather than a beginning, but a threshold year nevertheless.

The Bacterial Realm
Bacteria are essential to life on Earth. They are found in virtually every environment imaginable, from the depths of the ocean to the human gut. They play critical roles in maintaining ecological balance and driving various biological processes. Despite their size, bacteria possess a remarkable complexity. Lacking a true nucleus, their genetic material is contained within a circular DNA molecule. A protective cell wall, composed of peptidoglycan, encases the cell, while a plasma…

The Instability of Man’s Reason
Hamolinadir’s speech (The Tales P335) is worth reading and rereading…
“The notice announced that the reporter had taken as the theme of his report the ‘Instability-of-Human-Reason.’ “Thereupon, this terrestrial friend of mine first expatiated on the kind of structure which, in his opinion, the human ‘head-brain’ has, and in which cases and in what manner various impressions are perceived by the other brains of man, and how only after definite what is called …

The Cost of Being
In the quiet of the morning,
When the dew weeps unseen,
The soul whispers its longing:
“Will you rise, or will you dream?”
Cheap are the songs sung in comfort,
The hands that labor not the clay.
But costly is the fire that kindles,
Burning night to birth the day.
Do not seek the soft and fleeting,
The easy road, the untaxed breath.
For the spirit blooms in struggle,
And finds its life in death…

A Journey To The Self
“Is self-observation a moment of accepting oneself, or does that come afterwards?”
Self-observation, in its purest form, must be uncritical, a dispassionate witnessing to the inner workings of our being. It is the patient work of the Observing ‘I’, that quiet observer within, that allows us to begin to glimpse the fragmented nature of our reality.
We are, each of us, a multitude. A chaotic collection of I’s vying for dominance, lacking the unity of a true, integrated self. This internal discord, this inherent …

Time and Its Dimensions
by Robin Bloor