The Gurdjieff Study Resource

Originally conceived of as a study resource for Gurdjieff’s writings the scope of this resource was expanded to include all aspects of objective science. The resource is for those who do not wish to participate in the different study groups but would like to have access to the information that has been gathered to help in those studies.

It is a continually growing, with new information and ideas being contributed by members of  the Study Groups and also by subscribers to this Gurdjieff Study Resource.

It has two specific components:

  1. Resources that can be viewed by anyone who visits this website.
  2. Private resources available only to subscribers.

Public Resources

  • A complete copy of the text of The Tales on a page by page basis. The pages roughly correspond to the pages of the 1950 edition of the book. It is imprecise only in that paragraphs are not split between pages. Click to view an example page.
  • Along with the text, audio pronunciations of Gurdjieff’s neologisms are provided. Click to view an example page.
  • An index to all the pages of The Tales is provided. Click to view.
  • Audio readings of The Tales, on a page-by-page basis. Click to view an example.
  • The first of four presentations on How to Read the Tales can be viewed. Click to view.

Private Resources

(A restricted set of examples are shown here. The full resource is for subscribers only)

  • Four comprehensive presentations on How to Read the Tales (the first can be viewed here)
  • Page Notes: These are notes about and references to the text on a page-by-page basis, with links where appropriate to related information resources. An example can be viewed here.
  • An Index to the Page Notes. Click to view.
  • Side by side comparisons of the 1950 version The Tales and The 1931 Manuscript. Click to view example.
  • A Private Forum for discussion of ideas and theories.
  • Contribute to the Tales Study Resource. Click to view.
  • A Series of Recordings, which comprise a full reading of the book, on a chapter by chapter basis (in roughly one-hour segments). Click to view.
  • Discounts on the purchase of relevant Tales study books. Click to view.