A Tale of Two Cosmoses

The Human Cell (An Artist’s Impression) Like a man born into a world shaped by history and social structures, a cell is born into the intricate micro-environment of a tissue – which is even more structured. It inherits a lineage, a set of instructions encoded in...


Okidanokh – An Artist’s Impression The “Omnipresent-Active-Element”, Okidanokh is the most fundamental cosmic substance that emanates from the Sun Absolute. It plays an essential role in the creation and maintenance of everything in the...

God As Cathode (and Anode)

Anode and Cathode The illustration above shows a battery with the anode and cathode connected to “plates” immersed in a medium (salt water for example). The medium provides some (even if very little) resistance to the electrical flow. The tendency will be...

The Nature of Knowledge

The Descending Scale of Truth The illustration above shows a scale that spans the gulf between words and absolute truth. We designate the top layer as truth, although if we go into finer detail there are many layers within this layer – the truth of the absolute, the...

Why Darwin Was Wrong

Statue of Darwin Gurdjieff said that the chief feature of humanity is suggestibility. We can see this clearly in the general attitude to scientific theories that pervades European and North American culture. In general, they tend to believe everything that modern...

Nothingness and Infinity

Infinity and Nothingness In In Search of the Miraculous by P D Ouspensky, p86, we read: “The next idea which it is necessary to master is the materiality of the universe which is taken in the form of the ray of creation. Everything in this universe can be...