A New Model of the Atom

The Nucleus of a Structured Atom You might think you know what an atom is. As part of your education you were probably told that an atom has protons and neutrons in the middle and electrons scoot around this nucleus in specific orbits. And most likely, as with many...

What Is Intelligence?

The Birth of a Distinctly Different Venus   I was entertaining myself with ChatGPT – the “latest thing” in artificial intelligence. I gave it the task of composing a sonnet to Artificial Intelligence in the style of William Shakespeare. This is what...

The Ether Problem

A Representation of the Ether which pervades the Universe   The physicist James Clerk Maxwell laid the foundation to the field of electromagnetism and defined the nature of electromagnetic radiation. In doing so he assumed the existence of a hypothetical medium called...

The Anode and The Cathode

The Veins of Mankind Increasing evidence suggests that the universe is interconnected by plasma flows, ionic matter that moves between galactic clusters, galaxies, solar systems, and even between planets and moons. This view challenges the long-standing assumption...

The Blood of the Universe

Electricity/Plasma Flow as the Blood of The Universe The fact that many people in The Work give credence to the theories of modern science, particularly the ridiculous theories of astrophysics, is sad. Did they not read Beelzebub? Anyway, it has caused me to provide a...