223 — 1921 by our time calculation, Year, 51
3,040,000 157
389, three hundred and eighty-nine, 128
49, forty-nine, 128
4668, four thousand six hundred and sixty-eight years, 129
7,000,285 151
“a nail is like a requiem” 13
Abdil 187
aflame, that his eyes were streaming with tears 20
Aieioiuoa, 141
ALL and Everything, 0
“An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man.” 0
ancient Toulousites, 3
and whether these circumstances arose accidentally or were created intentionally by extraneous forces, I myself do not yet know 4
Anodnatious 156
A cont.
anxious to become Russian intelligentsia 13
Arch-absurd 134
Arch-preposterous 149
arising, his, 51
Assooparatsata, 51
as if, ii
as is said, 3
at least, ii
at that moment, through the hole made in the windowpane by our crazy lame goat, there poured the vibrations of sound which arose in the neighbor’s house from an Edison phonograph, and the midwife had in her mouth a lozenge saturated with cocaine of German make, and moreover not “Ersatz,” and was sucking this lozenge to these sounds without the proper enjoyment 8
at the moment of my appearance on God’s Earth 8
Australian frozen meat 10
bastourma (Khaizarian) 13
biped destroyers of Nature’s good 5
“blessing” 6
bombastically 6
bon ton literary language 6
bosom of Great Nature 20
by centuries rooted in him, i
Cathodnatious 156
center of gravity 7
Cheshma 10
circumstances independent of his own essence, 51
clownish potpourri of languages 13
Colic, 38
common, 3
common presence, 3
conditions not proper to his nature, 51
consonances 13
constrain 4
courage not customary to him 19
Criticism, 0
Cyanic Acid, 56