Gurdjieff Group Dynamics [7]

 Parts: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9],  Downloadable PDF Shocks One aspect of Gurdjieff’s methods that can be problematic when imitated by his followers, was his approach to introducing “shocks”, individually or collectively, what he called “stepping on corns”,...

Gurdjieff Group Dynamics [6]

 Parts: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9],  Downloadable PDF Rise of the Technician Unfortunately, given time, more often than not, leadership of most movements is eventually taken over by technician-specialists who may actually exile true initiates whose presence...

Gurdjieff Group Dynamics: [9]

 Parts: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9],  Downloadable PDF Conclusion We have been exploring the interaction of three basic factors: The Work, the group leader, and the pupil. At any given moment, each may carry any of the three fundamental forces in relationship...

Issue #31

Subscribe Issue #31 May 2024 “The whole Work is really a cosmos – everything in it depends on and explains everything else. It is only when one catches a glimpse of the whole that one feels an enormous wonder at a great purpose.”~ Rodney Collin Hi This...

Naming The Cosmoses

Artist’s Impression Of A Galaxy in Formation In In Search of the Miraculous by P D Ouspensky (p205), Gurdjieff explains the seven cosmoses with the following words:   “Seven cosmoses, taken together in their relation to one another, alone represent a...

The Light of Life

The Luminescent Deep Sea Angler Fish The Light of Life (click to watch) is a YouTube video created by Michael Clarage, one of the gurus of the electronic universe. I encourage you to watch it. I have take the trouble to summarize most of its mindblowing content below:...

Laylat al-Qadr, the Night of Power

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque at night – Abu Dhabi Laylat al-Qadr, the Night of Power Laylat al-Qadr, or the Night of Power, commemorates one of the most significant events in the history of Islam. It is the night when Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his...

The Humming Bird Curiosity

Birds of Paradise and a Humming Bird Among the 10,000 or so species of bird, 366 are hummingbirds. They constitute about 3.7% of bird species with a population in the hundreds of millions. They are distinct as they are the only birds that can fly backwards and even...

Who Was Gurdjieff’s Tutor?

Kars Military Cathedral (Holy Apostles Church) 2009  In Meetings With Remarkable Men, Gurdjieff refers to his tutor as Dean Borsh. It was not the Dean’s real name – although Borsh may characterize the Dean – as being similar to the famous dish Borsh, with...