The Earth Waters The Moon

The Full Moon: A Time For Watering The Earth Waters the Moon The suggestion that “life on Earth feeds the Moon” must have been bewildering to many people who joined Ouspensky and Gurdjieff in the early years of the Work. At that time, very little was known...

Words from Madame Ouspensky

Madame Ouspensky It’s worth acquiring a recently released book entitled  Saturday Evenings at Mendham: Conversation with Madame Ouspensky. Madame Ouspensky (1878-1961), was born Sophie Grigorievna Volochine in Kharkoff, Ukraine. She met Gurdjieff in St....

The World Is On Fire

A World on Fire The world is on fire!And are you laughing?You are deep in the dark.Will you not ask for light? For behold your body—A painted puppet, a toy,Jointed and sick and full of falseimaginings,A shadow that shifts and fades. How frail it is!Frail and...

The Darwinian Delusion

A Galapagos Lizard The Darwinian Delusion There are a multitude of reasons to disregard Darwin’s much-feted theory of evolution. But let’s not entirely condemn the scientific efforts that brought it to the fore and adopted it as dogma. Much useful work was...