The Full Moon: A Time For Watering

The Earth Waters the Moon

The suggestion that “life on Earth feeds the Moon” must have been bewildering to many people who joined Ouspensky and Gurdjieff in the early years of the Work. At that time, very little was known about the Moon astronomically, but even so, it was clear that Earth and Moon were separated by about 250,000 miles filled with what was believed to be empty space. If nature, and man in particular, was feeding the Moon then the legitimate question was “How?”

The recently published book, Gurdjieff and Kundabuffer, contains the following text (p94):

For there to be a feeding process between the Earth and the Moon, there must be a connecting structure roughly corresponding to a placenta through which nutrients pass. The nutrients coming from organic life comprise substances that correspond to Hydrogens H96 or higher.

It is likely then that the “placenta and umbilical chord” between Earth and Moon is the Earth’s Magnetotail. Such materials, less dense than the air, naturally rise upwards. They carry a negative charge, as does the Earth’s surface. Retaining their negative charge, such substances may rise to the top of the ionosphere and enter the magnetosphere.

At maximum, Earth’s exosphere stretches approximately 190,000 kilometers (120,000 miles) toward the Moon and makes no contact. However, the Earth’s magnetotail extends far beyond the orbit of the Moon. The Moon passes through it, spending about six days in every lunar month inside it.

The electrical state of the Moon varies according to its orbital position. When it is outside the Earth’s magnetotail, the weak magnetosphere bestowed upon it by the solar wind insulates it. We suspect that the protection this affords the Moon is critical to it retaining its negative charge. If it did not have a magnetosphere at all, direct interaction with the positive ions of the solar wind would cause it to become electrically neutral.

When the Moon enters the magnetotail, the solar wind is deflected away, and the plasma sheet within the Earth’s magnetotail takes over. The plasma sheet is in a constant state of motion and hotter (i.e., more energetic) than the solar wind. During the six days as the Moon passes through the magnetotail, the magnetosphere’s plasma sheet sweeps across it many times, with encounters lasting anywhere from minutes to hours or even days. Electrons pepper the Moon’s surface, increasing the Moon’s negative charge. On the Moon’s Sun-facing side, the sunlight counteracts this. Photons of ultraviolet light displace electrons from the surface. Thus the nightside of the Moon is negatively charged compared to the dayside.

NASA’s Lunar Prospector spacecraft, which orbited the Moon in 1998-99, gathered the best data we currently have about magnetotail crossings. During some crossings, it detected significant changes in the lunar nightside voltage, typically rising from -200 V to -1000 V. In 2017, Japanese researchers, analyzing data from Japan’s Moon-orbiting Kaguya spacecraft, reported that oxygen ions from the Earth’s atmosphere made their way to the surface of the Moon during the Moon’s passage through the magnetotail.

The passage of negatively charged plasma from the Earth to the Moon is thus well established.

Recently lunar discoveries now support this picture. For a detailed explanation you can watch this Youtube Video entitled Earth’s Magnetosphere Is Creating Water on the Moon!

If you don’t have time for that, here’s a brief summary of the video:

The discovery that water on the moon is created through interaction with Earth’s magnetosphere has surprised scientists. Water is found on various celestial bodies, including moons and planets, but its origin remains a mystery. The presence of water on the moon, in the form of ice or hydroxyl deposits, suggests that it is continuously replenished. It was initially believed that the moon was dry, but recent findings indicate otherwise. The solar wind and Earth’s magnetosphere are both responsible for producing water on the moon’s surface. The evidence suggests that this water is very gradually accumulating rather than evaporating into space.
