The Fate of The Hasnamusses

An Eternal Hasnamuss? Beelzebub explains the different types or gradations of the Hasnamuss with the following words. “In the common presence of every kind of three-brained being, there can arise during the process of his planetary existence, four kinds of...

A Season In Hell

‘Deserve death with all your appetites, your selfishness, and all the capital sins!” A Season in Hell A while back, if I remember right,my life was one long partywhere all hearts were open wide,where all wines kept flowing. One night, I sat Beauty down on...

Issue #10

Subscribe Issue #10 — March 2022 Question yourself always. Be QUESTION. ~ Gurdjieff Food For Thought, Food For The Moon Most planets have a self-created magnetosphere. As already mentioned; the Moon does not. It has a magnetosphere created for it by the Sun’s...

The Hasnamuss

Holocaust Memorial Beelzebub explains the nature of a Hasnamuss with the following words. “In general, those independent individuals are called and defined by the word Hasnamuss in whom, among what are called ‘Individual-impulses,’ a certain ‘some- thing’ arises,...