The 2nd & 3rd Series Study Group

The weekly 2nd and 3rd Series Study Group begins on Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022. Led by Robin Bloor, it follows the approaches to studying The 2nd and 3rd Series that Bloor has pursued with his Tales Study Groups, and which he explains in the three volumes of his To Fathom The Gist books. 

Bloor has created four detailed presentations on these topics that are available to members of both the 2nd and 3rd Series Study Group and The Tales Study Group and to subscribers to the Study Resource.

Study group meetings are recorded so that members of the group can revisit discussions and those who miss meetings can watch the discussions they missed. Others who may join the study group  at a later time are also able to watch these meetings to “get up to speed.” The format of each meeting is as follows:

  • There is a reading lasting about 30 minutes
  • This is followed by between an hour and ninety minutes of discussion.

There are two groups, for the EU and the US. Meetings are held on Tuesdays.

For Europe: Meetings are held at mid-day (12.00pm) Texas time, CST (UTC+06), which is 6.00pm UK time (UTC+0).

For the US: Meetings are held at 4.00pm Texas time, CST (UTC+05), which is 10.00pm UK time.

Note that the clock adjustments for daylight saving need to be allowed for.

Click here to read the 2nd and 3rd Series Study FAQs.

The cost of participation in The 2nd and 3rd Series Study Group is 10 dollars per study meeting. There is a discount for those who also attend The Tales Study Group. They pay 17 dollars for both meetings.

  • Click here to Sign-up and Register for The 2nd and 3rd Series Study Group
  • Click here if you are a member of The Tales Study Group and wish to register for The 2nd and 3rd Series Study Group
  • Click here to Sign-up and Register for access to The Gurdjieff Study Resource

Attendees who have not yet acquired copies of Bloor’s books can buy copies of these books at a discount: Click here.