The Self in Search of Reality

This is the final part of the extract from Life Is Real Only Then, When ‘I Am’.

The general radiation of a person also consists of three independent kinds of vibrations, each with its own quality of vivifyingness.

And just as the heterogeneous vibrations given off by the Earth encounter certain well­-defined limits in the course of their expansion according to their degree of vivifyingness, so too the different elements of the general radiation of a person have their precise limits.

For example, while the vibrations issuing from a process of active reasoning can, under certain known conditions, acquire a force of expansion that can span hundreds or thousands of kilometers, the vibrations given off by the process of sensation, however active it may be, cannot extend beyond some two hundred meters.

In man, the three kinds of vibrations have their origin in the following three processes:

The first kind of vibrations has its origin in the process called “active thought,” and sometimes even, thanks to certain known combinations, in the process of “passive thought.”

The second kind of vibrations has its origin in the process called “feeling.”

The third kind of vibrations corresponds to the totality of the results issuing from the functioning of all the organs of the physical body— they are also referred to as “vibrations of the instinctive functions.”

The vibrations given off by the whole presence of a man in a state of complete relaxation constitute in themselves an atmosphere analogous to the spectrum of colors, having a known limit to its expansion.

And as soon as a man begins to think, to feel or to move, this spectrum-like atmosphere changes, both as to the volume of its expansion and as to the quality of its presence.

The greater the intensity of manifestation of one or another of the separate functions of the general psyche of a man, the more the spectrum of his atmosphere is differentiated.

Click link for Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4.
