Issue #6 — July 2021
“ Sincerity is the key which will open the door through which you will see your separate parts, and you will see something quite new. You must go on trying to be sincere. Each day you put on a mask, and you must take it off little by little.” ~ Gurdjieff

Control and Influence
(Part 2)
As I am exploring this subject, I see in my mind flashes of interactions with people over many years. There are situations I wanted to unfold in specific directions but that met resistance or outright denial from others. The love interests that were not reciprocated. The business plans that did not receive support from those who had indicated … Read more…

The Inexactitudes of Science (Part 2)
Perhaps the most prevalent area of inexactitude in science is in its use of mathematical modeling. Mathematics is not a science per se. It is a very useful related discipline that provides scientists and engineers with extremely useful tools—statistics being just one of them. Nevertheless, it needs to be understood at the outset that mathematics does not and cannot prove anything in relation to reality. … Read more…

The Tales & Philology
At the beginning of The Tales, not on the first page, but actually before the first page on the “copyright page” we find the following paragraph:
Original written in Russian and Armenian. Translations into other languages have been made under the personal direction of the author …

Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
Betimes in the morning say to thyself:
“This day I shalt have to do with an idle curious man, with an unthankful man, a railer, a crafty, false, or an envious man; an unsociable uncharitable man.
“All these ill qualities have happened unto them, through ignorance of that which is truly good and truly bad... Read more…