Issue #25

Subscribe Issue #25 July/August 2023 “Never visit someone only to pass the time.”~ Gurdjieff “Hi I’m fascinated by the idea that the media represents (or perhaps is) the collective thought processes, both smart and dumb, of mankind. Looking at...

Issue #24

Subscribe Issue #24 June/July 2023 “The teaching is outside of all religious dogma, outside of all politics. Never talk about such.”~ Gurdjieff   Hi Now that the 2nd and 3rd Series Study Groups have completed examining Gurdjieff’s later books,...

1 Corinthians 13

The Inner Shrine I Corinthians 13 In the text below we have substituted the word “charity” with the word “love” – meaning love in the sense of “agape.” Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not Love, I...

The Ruben Carter Story

Ruben Carter After His Release From Prison [The Less Told Story of The Hurricane] Rubin “Hurricane” Carter, the former champion boxer spent almost 20 years in prison and came close to being executed for a crime he didn’t commit. You may be familiar with the song about...

Kundabuffer and Old Age

An Aging Cossack [The Disease of Tomorrow – The Tales, p362] This is perhaps one of the most poignant parts of the Tales – especially for readers who are no longer young. “Before continuing to tell you more about the activities of the Very Saintly Ashiata...

A New Model of the Atom

The Nucleus of a Structured Atom You might think you know what an atom is. As part of your education you were probably told that an atom has protons and neutrons in the middle and electrons scoot around this nucleus in specific orbits. And most likely, as with many...

What Is Intelligence?

The Birth of a Distinctly Different Venus   I was entertaining myself with ChatGPT – the “latest thing” in artificial intelligence. I gave it the task of composing a sonnet to Artificial Intelligence in the style of William Shakespeare. This is what...

Holy The Firm

The Gates of Hell Consider the prayer: Holy God, Holy Immortal, Holy Firm, Have Mercy on us. (The Tales p752). What does it mean? And in particular what does “Holy Firm” mean? The Holy Firm is the greatest denying force in the universe, the greatest...

The Two Wolves

Two Wolves The Inner Battle In the twilight of a cool American evening, beneath the watchful gaze of the crescent moon, an old Cherokee chief named Akecheta sits near the crackling fire, embers dancing upward into the starry sky. His grandson, Takoda, a growing boy...

Time and Eternity

The Six Dimensions of The Living Universe There is little agreement between modern science and the Work. If you cannot agree about the nature of something as fundamental as time, then it is no surprise that there is disagreement about lesser things. Modern science...