The Fourth Personal Sojourn of Beelzebub on the Planet Earth
“And as regards the other ‘constructions’ there, I shall perhaps tell you about them in detail sometime later, but
meanwhile, I will only say that all these independent constructions which were then not quite finished were situated not far from the observatory itself, and were intended—as I elucidated during my inspection under the guidance of the constructor who accompanied us and who was a friend of one of our tribe—partly for the same purpose of observing other suns and planets of our Great Universe, and partly for determining and intentionally directing the course of the surrounding atmosphere in order to obtain the ‘climate’ desired.
“All these ‘constructions’ of theirs occupied a fairly large open space of that part of the said region, and were enclosed by a special lattice-work made of the plant then called there ‘Zalnakatar.’
“It is extremely interesting to notice here that they erected at the chief entrance of that huge enclosure a rather large—large of course in comparison with the size of their presences—stone statue called ‘Sphinx’ which strongly reminded me of the statue I saw on my first descent in person to your planet in the city of Samlios, just opposite the enormous building belonging to the learned society Akhaldan and which was then called the ‘chief cathedral of the society Akhaldan.’
“The statue I saw in the city of Samlios and which greatly interested me, was the emblem of this society, and was called ‘Conscience.’
“It represented an allegorical being, each part of whose planetary body was composed of a part of the planetary body of some definite form of being existing there, but of the parts of those beings of other forms who, according to the crystallized notions of the three-brained beings there, had to perfection one or another being-function.
“The main mass of the planetary body of the said allegorical being was represented by the trunk of a being there of definite form, called ‘Bull.’