The Arch-absurd
“As regards all the peculiarities proper to the Omnipresent everywhere-penetrating Active-Element-Okidanokh alone, and also as regards the further results which these peculiarities actualize, you will have a complete representation of them only after I shall have explained to you in more or less detail, as I have already promised, about the fundamental laws of World-creation and World-maintenance.
“But meanwhile I shall tell you about those elucidating experiments concerning this Omnipresent cosmic crystallization at which I was personally present.
“But I must tell you that I was an eyewitness of these said elucidating experiments, not on that planet Earth which has taken your fancy—nor did your favorites make them—but on the planet Saturn where they were made by that three-brained being who during almost the whole period of my exile in that solar system was my real friend, about whom I recently promised to tell you a little more in detail.”