1 Corinthians 13

The Inner Shrine I Corinthians 13 In the text below we have substituted the word “charity” with the word “love” – meaning love in the sense of “agape.” Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not Love, I...

The Two Wolves

Two Wolves The Inner Battle In the twilight of a cool American evening, beneath the watchful gaze of the crescent moon, an old Cherokee chief named Akecheta sits near the crackling fire, embers dancing upward into the starry sky. His grandson, Takoda, a growing boy...


Children, a photograph of a kind               Kindness Before you know what kindness really isyou must lose things,feel the future dissolve in a momentlike salt in a weakened broth.What you held in your hand,what you counted and carefully saved,all this must go so...

The Guest House

An Alpine Guest House The Guest House Being human you are as a guest house.Every morning a new arrival. A joy or depression or a meanness,or some momentary awareness comesas an unexpected visitor. Welcome them all and entertain them!Even if they are a gang of...

Damascus Steel

A Damascus Sword-maker It was not purity but impuritythat lent strength to these swords,ingots of iron with carbontraced in tungsten and vanadium. Folds upon folds ran through each blade,rivers of darkness and lightshimmering like moonbeams on water. Stronger and...

The Secrets of The Self – Asking

The Self in Hiding The Self is weakened by asking. O thou who hast gathered taxes from lions,Thy need hath caused thee to become a fox in disposition.Thy maladies are the result of indigence:This disease is the source of thy pain.It is robbing thine high thoughts of...