All Life Participates in Reciprocal Feeding — Even An Alpha Predator

When we read The Tales we sometimes encounter Beelzebub using the term  “common system harmony.” Gurdjieff chooses not to define this term clearly. We take this term to refer to the operation of a living thing (or “a cosmic unit,” as Beelzebub sometimes calls them).

The living being we are most familiar with is Man. We know, for example, that if a particular organ of the body fails, we are likely to die.  You could say then, that in such a situation, the “common system harmony” fails. We can think of a human body as a kind of factory where a variety of substances circulate, from one place to another, to be transformed. This is how food is digested, and it is also how air and perceptions are digested. In theory, the whole universe operates this way, in a process referred to as The Trogoautoegocrat.

We can envisage the idea of a common system harmony reasonably clearly when it comes to ourselves or to other products of Great Nature. When we think of a solar system as a living being, it is not clear at all how its Trogoautoegocratic system functions.

Nevertheless if we take a very simple approach and posit the idea that for it to achieve common system harmony,  all the planets need to be inappropriate orbits, then, surprisingly there is some evidence that this is so.

The idea that the planets, rather than being randomly placed, occupy predictable  positions, was first suggested by Johan Bode. He formulated what came to be called Bode’s Law—a mathematical formula that purports to predict the orbits of the planets. In its initial formulation the predictions of Bode’s Law were sufficiently inaccurate for some scientists to doubt whether the formula was more than mere coincidence.

But years later, in 1908 Mary Blagg came up with an enhanced mathematical formula (based on Bode’s Law) for the orbits of the planets. This proved to be far more accurate, so much so that it is difficult to argue that there is no pattern. This proved especially so when the game method was used to predict the orbits of the moons of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. It proves to be dramatically accurate.

The tables shown below provide you with the figures for the planets, Jupiter’s Moons and Saturn’s Moons.

Planet Actual Orbit Blagg Orbit Difference
Mercury 0.387 0.387 0.00%
Venus 0.723 0.723 0.00%
Earth 1.000 1.000 0.00%
Mars 1.524 1.524 0.00%
Asteroids 2.769 2.67 3.58%
Jupiter 5.204 5.200 0.08%
Saturn 9.583 9.550 0.34%
Uranus 19.22 19.23 0.05%
Neptune 30.07 30.13 0.20%
Pluto 39.48 41.80 5.88%
Moon Orbit Blagg Difference
Amalthea 0.429 0.429 0.00%
 lo 1.000 1.000 0.00%
Europa 1.592 1.592 0.00%
Ganymede 2.539 2.541 0.00%
Callisto 4.467 4.467 0.0007%
Himalia 27.25 27.54 0.003%
Elara 27.85 27.54 0.003%
(Lysithea) (27.85) 27.54 0.003%
(Ananke) (49.8) 55.46 0.003%
(Carme) (53.3) 55.46 0.003%
Pasiphae 55.7 55.46 0.003%
(Sinope) (56.2) 55.46 0.003%
Moon Orbit Blagg Difference
(Janus) (0.538) 0.54 0.004%
Mimas 0.630 0.629 0.001%
Enceladus 0.808 0.807 0.001%
Tethys 1.000 1.000 0.00%
Dione 1.281 1.279 0.002%
Rhea 1.789 1.786 0.002%
Titan 4.149 4.140 0.002%
Hyperion 5.034 5.023 0.002%
lapetus 12.09 12.11 0.002%
Phoebe 43.92 43.85 0.002%

The following is worth noting:

  1. When looking at the values for the planets, only the asteroid belt and Pluto show much divergence from the formula (and even then not much). We note that the asteroids are not a single body and may well not have achieved mutual harmony. We know that Pluto is the only planet that crosses the orbit of another planet (Neptune) and hence it could be argued that harmony has not yet been properly established in that area.
  2. We see a similar situation with Jupiter’s moons, as with the asteroids. Several moons share the same orbit. There are also predicted orbits (for both Jupiter and Saturn) that have not yet been filled. The parentheses, by the way, indicate moons that were discovered after Blagg’s Law was formulated.

The level of accuracy of Blagg’s Law is phenomenal in most cases, and argues strongly that there is a common system harmony that the solar system establishes and abides by.

Modern astronomy has no explanation of Blagg’s Law.