The Luminescent Deep Sea Angler Fish

The Light of Life (click to watch) is a YouTube video created by Michael Clarage, one of the gurus of the electronic universe. I encourage you to watch it. I have take the trouble to summarize most of its mindblowing content below:

During the early 1920s, in Russia, Alexander Gurwitch conducted experimental research on the concept that all life emits and is embedded in a “morphogenic field”. The word “morphogenic” in this context means “relating to the form of living organisms. He demonstrated that cells emit light that can influence the behavior of other cells. He directed the root tip of an onion (a region of high cell division) at the midsection of another onion, which caused increased cell division in the second onion.

The effect could be blocked by a barrier that impeded ultraviolet wavelengths of light, indicating that light was involved in this process.

It’s now known that living systems emit light, ranging from ultraviolet to very low-frequency radio waves. Different tissues emit different wavelengths at varying times and intensities. The amount of light emitted by organisms can vary substantially, from a few photons per second to hundreds of thousands per second.

Bioluminescence can be observed in various biological processes. For instance, seeds emit green light when they begin to germinate, and the human brain emits more light when imagining bright light. Emission of light from the human body follows a seasonal and diurnal pattern, with the body appearing brightest in the summer and at midday, and dimmest in the winter and at night. Blood emits light as well, with a higher photon count associated with a stronger immune response. Within cells, biophotons travel from mitochondria through microtubules, which serve as transport highways within cells and also carry light. Neurons function as wave guides for visible light photons, behaving as both electrical wires and fiber optic cables.

Light emission in biological systems is not random; specific biological processes are initiated by specific frequencies of light emitted at precise times and locations. In an experiment, two people were exposed to an oscillating magnetic field. One person’s was exposed to bright light while the other was sitting in a dark room. The first one’s brain emitted more biophotons, and this caused the second person’s brain, in a dark room, to also emit more biophotons.

Our eyes emit light; We notice this subliminally – and may comment e.g. “you look bright.” Similar, perhaps surprisingly, our ears emit sound. The sound performs a signal-canceling function that enhances auditory perception. This is how we can hear a conversation on the far side of a room, despite intervening louder conversations.

The biology of light is a new area of study from the traditional biochemistry paradigm, which views biology as a purely chemical process.
For example: A cell builds a new component, such as a ribosome, using raw materials, enzymes, and energy. The energy is released from one of the cell’s ATP molecule, which travels through the enzyme, and the final bit of ribosome is attached. The energy release from ATP involves a change in electric currents* and emission of light. Somehow, electron orbits are broken and rearranged, leading to changes in electric currents. Changing electric currents emit light, similar to a radio antenna, the emitted light travels through the enzyme (the optical conductor) and rearranges electric currents on the almost finished ribosome, similar to arc welding.

Organic life operates as a hierarchy of interpenetrating worlds with different sizes and properties. Light, molecules, cells, and the human body are all different worlds that influence each other. All levels communicate, and exchange energy and information. Changes at any level can affect all other levels. All are both transmitters and receivers.

There’s much more.

I advise you to watch the video.