The Six Dimensions of The Living Universe

There is little agreement between modern science and the Work. If you cannot agree about the nature of something as fundamental as time, then it is no surprise that there is disagreement about lesser things.

Modern science regards time as a linear dimension and believes (oddly) that the presence of mass distorts 4 dimensional space-time.

Three Dimensions of Time

The work views time as having three dimensions just and space does (length, breadth and height). The dimensions of time are usually named: linear time, recurrence and eternity.

You can think of this simply in the sense that we tend to view time as linear: we are born, we age, we die. The changes within us mark out that path. If we take the view that there is nothing before or after our life then that view confines to one dimension of time.

However, most people cannot conceive of their own anihilation (at death) or that their awareness emerged from nowhere (at birth or at conception). If there was time before and time after then one possibility – an idea that was introduced by German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche.

Nietzsche introduced this idea in “Thus Spoke Zarathustra,” published in 1883. Ouspensky picked it up and adopted it, and so did Gurdjieff. One way of representing this idea is to view a single life as a circle with death connected directly to conception.

As we do not know what awareness is, it is possible to theorize that at death, a beings awareness could be attracted back to the point  at which it was conceived as human. It is then possible to suggest that one’s life may simply repeat in an eternal recurrence.

However, there is also the possibility that the awareness evolved (or involved) and hence it did not recur, but found another point of conception that suited its level of awareness. If that happens then geometrically, that circle of time become a spitral, a three-dimensional structure.

That’s the basic idea of a six dimensional universe where awareness migrates from life to life. We will have more to say about this in the next newsletter.
