Webb: A Telescope With A View

The James Webb Space Telescope (WST) is the largest, most powerful, and, at a price of about $10 billions, the most expensive telescope ever. For about a year, since Feb 14, 2022 to be exact, it’s been taking snapshots and reporting back to base.

Its mission is fourfold:

  1. to look as far back into the past as possible, at the galaxies of the “presumed” early universe
  2. to observe and clarify how galaxies evolve
  3. to observe the birth of stars and protoplanetary systems
  4. to observe other planets, particularly exoplanets in an effort to determine how life develops

The first two of these objectives assume the existence of a ‘Big Bang’ about 13.8 billion years ago. The shiny new telescope has thus far produced no evidence of Big Bang whatsoever, and it never will as the said “Big Bang” is a figment of astrophysicists’ imagination. So far the complete lack of evidence of forming galaxies is being reported as “the first galaxies in the universe are more numerous and brighter than previously expected.”

The narrative is that the first galaxies formed earlier than anticipated. Some appear to have formed between 200 million and 400 million years “after the Big Bang.” Incidentally, for context, it takes about 200 million years for our Milky Way to complete a single revolution. At the very least, this new information challenges the use of cosmic redshift as an evolutionary tool, as it appears that it cannot accurately be used to measure galactic evolution over time. Problems with redshift were reported by Halton Arp long ago as his research into Quasars indicated, but his evidence was ignored.

Of course, there are already attempts to explain the embarrassing lack of forming galaxies, including one which introduces the idea of a “dark matter” halo. (A halo of invisible matter that is impossible to detect.)

What the Webb telescope is revealing is that “The Standard Model,” the so-called LambdaCDM model, is just wrong. The world of astrophysics will gradually adjust to this, but right now they’ve circled the wagons.


