A Masquerade of a Kind

The book, To Fathom The Gist, Vol 2 – The Arch Absurd devotes about 20 pages to analysis of and discussion of the awful revised version of The Tales, pointing out the many ways in which it damages Gurdjieff’s masterpiece. I was recently informed by a friend in the Work that the false version of The Tales is presented for sale in some countries. (As far as I can tell, it never seems to surface when using Amazon from the US,

For the purpose of discouraging those who might actually try to read that version I decided to post the full details of the many failings of that revision for the benefit of readers of the Lost Herald. Below is a summary of them, each linked to a page that offers a detailed explanation.

In summary, it is a pig’s breakfast for one of Mullah Nassr Eddin’s gluttonous swine. If you encounter anyone who asks you whether it has any merit, please direct them to this posting.

