A Butterfly Kissing The Ground

I do not often encounter documentaries that are both enlightening and informative. Kiss The Ground, which you can find on Netflix, is an exception. Should you watch it, there is even a website, KissTheGround.com, that you may want to visit if the documentary inspires you sufficiently.

My personal interest in the documentary arises from what it suggests about the Trogoautoegocrat. The Trogoautoegocrat is the system by which a cosmos operates and, ultimately, the system by which the Universe is believed to operate (as explained by Beelzebub in The Tales.

It can be described simply by the assertion that everything feeds on various substances (in the case of Man, normal food, breath and impressions). However, how it works in respect of any organisim is by no means simple.

The movie, Kiss The Ground, is primarily about ecology and most particularly about soil. Thus, you could say it was about the Trogoautoegocratic system in nature. The point is that there are various areas of the planets, that are deserts,  including so-called “ocean deserts” which are oxygen-starved and hence “dead zones.”

It is interesting to note, in passing, that some ocean dead zones are caused by an excess of nitrogen from agricultural fertilizers, sewage effluent and industrial waste.

Making and Unmaking Deserts

While there are already very extensive areas of land desert, the peril that the world currently faces is the desertification of what is currently productive farmland, which is gradually happening due to factory farming. The estimate (in the movie) is that if things continue as they are, then North America has maybe 60 more harvests before the land turns to desert.

The surprising thing is that all of this can be stopped and reversed reasonably quickly. It requires only a kind of farming which supports and enriches the soil. This in turn is achievable without any huge investment. It merely requires farmers to move away from factory farming towards a mixed model involving a mix of livestock, grains fruit and other crops. And if the movie is to be believed, this may turn out to be more profitable per acre.

What may be a big plus is that if you enrich the soil you sequester carbon-dioxide from the air, and thus you have a way to begin reversing the current carbon-dioxide imbalance.

What’s interesting to me in the movie is its description of how much better the ecosystem works when the soil is rich in the bacteria and microorganisms that help it to thrive. It provides a useful perspective of the Trogoautoegocrat.

And ultimately, if mankind fails to be a good gardener of the planet, it definitely looks as though Nature has the capability to regenerate on its own.

Kiss the Ground. I believe it is worth watching.
