The Kar Mahi swims in the Zareh Vourukasha, the inconceivably vast expanse at the highest realm of space. There, super ethereal waves are born and penetrate all worlds. For that reason, it is spoken of as a sea, and Kar Mahi is imagined as a fish with an all-pervading eye.
It perceives every soul in the Nisti, the ephemeral world. It knows every atom of the numberless physical bodies of all creatures. And it will cause them to be transformed into light one day.
Souls in their original state were, up to the lowest heaven of the Moon in the planetary world, lights with a sad lack of divine knowledge. This deficiency and failing is the seed and source of all Evil. The characteristic of these souls was repulsion—not attraction.
That is why Kar Mahi causes them to be divided into sexes and incarnated in physical bodies so that worldly sexual attraction arises in them. Consequently, these souls may, over long ages, transform this earthly sexual love into divine love. So, souls are imprisoned in a physical body and thrown into worldly life with all its attractions of sensual enjoyments.
On earth, after the age of five or so, the soul is heavily enveloped by the Veil of Darkness. Because of this, it knows not from whence it came and why. As it grows older, it is attracted to all kinds of worldly pleasures, which it mistakes for true happiness.
After death, the Veil of Darkness disappears, and on the dawn of the fourth day, a Zoroastrian soul goes to the sky and sees the sorry picture of its past evil life on earth. And it shudders.
In the sky, the soul develops its Rae, inward divine knowledge. But after a specific time, it returns to the earth. It cannot proceed to the higher regions of paradise because of Drvao, the evil and grossness of its past lives on earth.
The sinful soul finds no felicitous asylum either in the sky above or on the earth below. And so it keeps it shuttling between the two until Gao, bliss and wisdom, dawns as the result of the harsh lessons and punishments it endures on earth. The soul’s line of life may, in time, change from vice to virtue. Then the soul comes under the governance of Ahura Mazda’s deified law of Unfoldment of Spirit from Matter.
By the potentiality of Kar Mahi, souls are invested with physical bodies, composed of countless atoms. Because of the functions of the 16 Chakras of Kehrp within, these atoms of the physical body will eventually be transmuted into Gao, good constituents. These atoms will, in the end, turn into light by virtue of the soul’s holy living, and that light will be absorbed in the light of the soul itself.

