When we learn contemporary science, we need to grasp some fundamental concepts. The same is true of objective science. Below we briefly describe and explain its basic concepts.


The first fundamental concept of objective science is the idea of a cosmos or cosmic unit. A cosmos is an ordered system. A cosmos is a living being. A galaxy is a cosmos, as is a star or a planet or a moon. So are human beings, animals, plants, and individual cells. Atoms, as contemporary science defines them, might be cosmic units.


In general, objective science considers something to be alive if:

  • It has an individual existence.
  • It has a lifetime (the Absolute is the exception).
  • It eats, breathes, and perceives.

Cosmic units feed on one another or substances created by other cosmic units. This idea is expressed in The Tales by the word “Trogoautoegocrat,” which means “government by consuming myself.” The universe is governed by cosmic units consuming each other at every level below the Absolute.


Each cosmic unit has three foods, which at the human level are normal food, air, and impressions. When a cosmic unit ceases to take in one of its three foods, it dies. Its various parts lose their coherence, and its individuality is destroyed. It is reduced to a collection of substances that themselves become food for other cosmic units.


Cosmic units reproduce. In Nature, this is primarily sexual among multicellular life-forms, although many plants and fungi reproduce asexually. There are indications of reproduction at the macro scale (planets, suns, and galaxies), which we shall discuss later.

Because cosmoses have a lifetime, new cosmoses must arise at every level to replace the dead. The Trogoautoegocratic process requires this balance— otherwise, it would inevitably fail.


If something is not alive, in the sense of being a cosmos, it is a substance. Thus a substance is either within a cosmic unit or outside of it. Consider, for example, the dead branch of a tree that has fallen to the ground. It was once part of the tree (a cosmic unit) but is no longer so—it is now just wood. As time passes, it will be consumed by other cosmoses: termites, carpenter ants, powderpost beetles, fungi, and so on.


Objective science’s definition of an atom is distinctly different from that of contemporary science. It insists that an atom of a substance is “the smallest quantity of the substance which retains all its properties, including its psychological properties.” By this definition, an atom of ice is different from an atom of water, even though we would classify them from a chemical perspective as the same substance.

Cosmoses are compositions of smaller cosmoses. While a cosmos may appear to be a single living organism, it is formed from aggregations of other life forms with far shorter life spans. Human beings are an aggregation of diverse cells, including many life-forms (bacteria) that are not of our life pattern (our DNA) but are symbiotes or parasites.

Cells themselves are aggregations of diverse molecules, which may be cosmoses within their own context. And those molecules are composed of atoms and subatomic particles that may also be cosmoses. Humanity is merely one of the many life forms that constitute Great Nature, which is itself vibrant and alive.


A fundamental axiom of objective science is that everything is material—not just the universe and everything within, but even the Absolute is material.

This assertion denies the idea that anything can lack materiality. Light is material. If there are ghosts or spirits, they are material in some way. If there are “unseen forces” that affect our reality, they too are material, even if they are not visible. There is no exception.

Everything that exists also vibrates. The higher the vibration, the greater its energy and the more rarefied its material. In this way, the density of something material has an inverse relationship to its level of vibration. Ice is denser and has a lower vibration than water, which is denser and has a lower vibration than steam.

Viewing the universe from this perspective, we can think of it as being composed entirely of material. There are points of concentration or points of stability where denser material gathers and is transformed: Suns, planets, moons.

While the space between planets and the space between solar systems may appear to be “empty space,” this is not the case. It is filled with various materials with very high frequencies of vibration and low materiality: plasma, streams of particles, and energy in the form of magnetism and electromagnetism.


It is a fundamental axiom of objective science that a medium, aether, permeates the whole universe, acting as a substrate that supports its materiality. Space is not a vacuum.


Those are the basic concepts. Everything in the universe is subject to Laws. We will discuss that in the next issue of the newsletter.
